Shadow Box Framing and Matting is the perfect way to beautifully display and protect your special keepsakes. We've worked with a large variety of mementos, such as watches, cricket balls, necklaces, baby hands and feet mouldings. Our Shadow Box Frames are all Australian made in our factory with high quality timbers, this lets you have the option of almost any frame around your keepsakes opening up a large variety of customisation.
You also have control over the matting options where you can select the top and and background mats as well as adding a double mat. All of this is previewed for you live on our site as you edit it.
The standard depth we work with is 4.5cm, however if you would like to adjust this please contact us and we'll be able to help achieve your goals.
Select a template
Design a single opening Shadow Box
Design a multi opening Shadow Box
Choose one of our pre-designed templates below, you can customise the matboard colours and choose your own frame too.
Design your own shadow box, you get to choose the sizing, matting and framing
Full customisation, you choose and layout the openings, sizes, mats, and framing. Be creative!